There's a place, where the western sky meets the great divide; where family is the most important word uttered in a day, and hospitality reigns supreme; this place is the C Lazy U Ranch- have you visited yet?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Pastures and Homemade Barbecue

The smell of barbecue fills the air as the first Patio House cookout of the year gets underway; compounded with the sunny days and warm temperatures we've had these last few days, and the new pasture the wranglers are jingling to, grass lush and green, ripe for the eating, it is hard not to feel giddy about summer- one more week and our first round of Summer guests will be making their way down our mile long driveway to be greeted by a ranch hand; it's a wonderful tradition really: as they are escorted into the Outfitter's Cabin, the sound of good ol' country music playing melodically in the background, setting the atmosphere for their stay, faces light up at the site of friends from years past, stories are recounted as old friends catch up, and astonished looks spread across the faces of people who never knew that something could be so breathtaking as this.

Having lived here as long as I have, I've seen a lot of hugs and handshakes as old and new families are greeted during this Sunday afternoon ritual here at C Lazy U, but my heart still swells each time I see it- this place, the C Lazy U Ranch, is my home- with so many friends living here with me all year, I can truly say that I am surrounded by family- and yet, I'm still never as full as when our guest arrive for the season- that is when my family is complete.

As twilight falls around my friends and I, I realize that I've neglected my dinner, and so I end tonight with this- friends, old and new, I can't wait to see you- your C Lazy U family awaits you, but, right now, my grass awaits me!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fencing at Twilight

A cool breeze blows through the Aspen stand and up over the saddle where two cowboys cut and remove winter fence, in preparation for the coming summer months. Twilight has descended in the quiet valley that plays home to our beloved ranch, allowing the boys to fence without breaking a sweat. The smell of snow lingers on the breeze, as patches of white are ever present on the surrounding hillsides- but not here; here, the sage brush is exposed and the mud has begun to dry out, as if knowing that soon it will play host to our herd of 200 horses once again. It is difficult to remember to breath, sitting in the quiet serenity of this scene, knowing we get to call it home.

The cowboys stop for a moment to chuckle and review their work, also sneaking a peak at the Divide, glowing purple,pink and yellow with the setting sun; but a large gust of wind sends the winter fence flapping against its barbed wire base, bring the cowboys focus back onto the task at hand. As the temperature cools, that once gentle breeze begins to grow in strength, setting the Aspen trees into a frenzy of "clacking" as the knock against one another- if the song would have a name, it would simply be called, "The West". There is something in the air on spring nights such as this, a magic, that so often we forget about after growing up; but it's difficult to miss out here, because it is all encompassing; it has the ability to calm the most turbulent spirit, relax the most occupied of minds.

I count myself lucky to get to live and work at the C Lazy U Ranch, as do the boys that are with me; but we are equally fortunate to get to share this place, and all it's magic, all it's awe inspiring wonder, with our guest, old and new, each year.

See you at the ranch!